(No Text) |
(nm) |
This telltale will automatically
appears in the message title when there is no text in the
message. |
Camera |

This Image denotes that a picture has
been posted in the message. |
Link |

This Image denotes that a link has
been included with the message. |
The following is a list of special characters you can use to create a desired effect on your post.. for instance any "word\s" put between [b] "word\s" [/b] will result in that word becoming bold face. It is important to remember that every special character is a two step process one before the word and one after. ( hint: the one with "/" is always after )
[b] "word\s" [/b] - Makes the word\s Bold Face
[i] "word\s" [/i] - Makes the word\s Italic
[u] "word\s" [/u] - Makes the word\s Underline
[code] "word\s" [/code] - Formatting Stats see example
[center] "word\s" [/center] - Centers word\s
[big] "word\s" [/big] - Makes the word\s Bigger
[small] "word\s" [/small] - Makes the word\s Smaller
[red] "word\s" [/red] - Makes the word\s the color red
[blue] "word\s" [/blue] - Makes the word\s the color blue
[gold] "word\s" [/gold] - Makes the word\s the color gold
[green] "word\s" [/green] - Makes the word\s the color green
[yellow] "word\s" [/yellow] - Makes the word\s the color yellow
[silver] "word\s" [/silver] - Makes the word\s the color silver
[white] "word\s" [/white] - Makes the word\s the color white
The following additional features exist... Our software is now intuitive and will replace the following character combinations with a desired effect.
"Smiley" Codes
If you include certain ASCII "smiley" characters (also
known as "emoticons") in the subjects or bodies of your messages, they'll be
automatically converted to graphics, as follows.
Emoticons |
:) |
Smile |
:( |
Frown |
:S( |
Sad |
:K) |
King |
:O |
Oh |
:D |
Big Grin |
-:O |
Angel |
:*~ |
Mad |
;) |
Wink |
8-) |
Glasses |
:B) |
Blush |
:C) |
Cool |
:b or :p |
Tongue |
:T |
Oh Well |
:J) |
Jester |
:R) |
Read |
:A( |
Angry |
:- |
Indifferent |
:S) |
Sailor |
:P) |
Pharaoh |
:V) |
Viking |
:d) |
Devil |
:M) |
Mad 2 |
:A) |
Alien |
:Y) |
Cowboy |
:F) |
Patriot |
:H) |
Hippie |
:W) |
Vampire |
Chargerfan Emoticons |
sd:) |
Smile |
sd:( |
Frown |
sd:T |
Oh Well |
sd:K) |
King |
sd:O |
Oh |
sd:D |
Big Grin |
sd;) |
Wink |
sd:*~ |
Mad |
sd;b |
Tongue |
sd8-) |
Glasses |
sd:- |
Indifferent |
sd:C) |
Cool |
sd:R) |
Read |
sd:A( |
Angry |
:sd: |
helmet |
:tbsd: |
helmet |
Animations |
:alarm: |
:Bubble: |
:dance: |
:dazed: |
:eek: |
:eyes: |
:flaming: |
:glowface: |
:kiss: |
:laugh: |
:lick: |
:Pimp: |
:Pinkie: |
:Pukeface: |
:Point: |
:shocked: |
:smokin: |
:spin: |
:wobblyeyes: |
:demon: |
:axe: |
:sword: |
:tombstone: |
:ghostface: |
:skull: |
:abduct: |
:Borg: |
:Brush: |
:calvin: |
:clap: |
:devil2: |
:drunk: |
:flush: |
:hammer: |
:laser: |
:light: |
:love: |
:machinegun: |
:passout: |
:rotflmao: |
:smokin2: |
:spam: |
:spank: |
:whipping: |
NFL logos |
:Bufl: |
:sfl: |
:stl: |
:gbl: |
:chil: |
:cinl: |
:denl: |
:clel: |
:tbl: |
:sdl: |
:kcl: |
:indl: |
:dall: |
:mial: |
:Phil: |
:atll: |
:nygl: |
:jaxl: |
:nyjl: |
:carl: |
:nel: |
:oakl: |
:Ball: |
:wasl: |
:nol: |
:seal: |
:Pitl: |
:houl: |
:tenl: |
:minl: |
:aril: |
:detl: |
:evilsea: |
* The smileys etc.. above DO WORK IN THE NAME & SUBJECT FIELD'S
Please also remember that if you do not space your characters properly none of it will work ie: ...:) will not produce J because the periods are up against the left side of the smiley without a space.
Code Example
Below is an example of how to use the [code][/code] tags.. Text written above the [code] tag is rendered normally and will wrap in the text field and in the post while text "within" the [code]""[/code] tags is subject to the rules of formatting which is spacing.
The Box Score "table" below is an example of this...everything lines up. Try to keep your written text above or below the
[code]""[/code] tags as this way you will not have to worry about putting in the hard returns manually.
-- - - -- -- -- ----
McLemore 2b-lf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .204
Javier rf 5 1 2 1 0 2 .347
ARodriguez ss 5 0 0 0 0 1 .333
Olerud 1b 5 0 2 1 0 0 .376
Text after the [/code] tag above is rendered normally and will wrap in the text field and in the post.
NOTE:The first paragraph following the [/code] tag will require hard returns manually just like the text within
the tags. Succeeding paragraphs will format normally without the hard returns.